Level Up: Simultaneous reading epiphanies

29 10 2014

Reading books is awesome! Especially reading more than one simultaneously. For instance, I am currently reading Gardner’s Art Through the Ages alongside The Longman Anthology of World Literature.

It’s just great making connections and this practice facilitates it. After reading a sidebar about the invention of writing in Gardner’s that mentions The Epic of Gilgamesh, I switched gears to Longman. After eagerly locating the passage, I delved in when I made some sort of “Crikey; a connection!” noise of appreciation.

When Puppy, who was doing smart math stuff with real world application, seemed curious about the cause of my little utterance, I excitedly explained my epiphany: The sidebar explained how writing came about out of the need to create records for trade in Mesopotamia. Although the Fertile Crescent was great for growing crops, other resources like metal, stone and wood were more scarce. Then not two paragraphs deep in the Longman Gilgamesh introduction, it describes the first conquest in the epic where BFFs Gilgamesh and Enkidu slay a monster guarding the Cedar Mountain and brings home cedar trees.

Boom! New level of understanding achieved! In an area where lumber was a rare and valued commodity, the king freeing up a source of cedar and bringing it home would have been very exciting. Maybe as exciting as making this connection about the how real world economy of ancient Sumer directly affected the exploits of what both Gardner and Longman call the first true work of literature more than 3,000 years later.

Eh, I may just be a giant nerd for getting so excited about this. 

Thug Notes. is. freaking. awesome!

16 02 2014

Here, Sparky Sweets, Phd gives the hookup for summary and analysis for one of my favorite books, Jane Eyre. Thug Notes, with the tagline “Classical literature. Original gangster.,” is by LA comedian Greg Edwards. And it’s awesome! I discovered it yesterday and have now watched all 33 videos in the series, some of my favorites include Lolita, Crime and Punishment and To Kill a Mockingbird.

Feed your brain with this entertaining academia!

Nerdy wedding guests, part Two

25 06 2013

Puppy wore a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, and a bow tie! Bonus points for matching it the belt of my dress.

The wedding was a blast. Of course the bride looked beautiful, and happy. I’d never met her husband, but if she picked him, he had to be great.

I think Puppy and I were definitely at the nerd table. It consisted of us, a recent grad from his Ph.D program, two math professors and their spouses, who I think also have doctorates. It was a fantastic experience to see all of them dancing to songs like Thrift Shop by Macklemore!

Nerdy wedding guests

22 06 2013


Puppy came home to Dallas for the weekend! We drove to Houston last night for a wedding. (The photo above is the view from our hotel room.)

We only know the bride and the nerdier side of the guests – she and Puppy went to the same Ph.D program. She graduated in May. He graduates next May, just in time for our June wedding. 😀

Now off to see the new Superman movie.